Latest COVID-19 response news
Helpful resources
We’ve developed a range of materials to help share COVID-19 and vaccine facts among regional and remote communities. Please feel free to use them to share among yours!
Project Airborne’s reach
Into communities across Oro, Central, Western and New Ireland Provinces.
“As COVID-19 sweeps across the world causing one of the greatest health and economic crises of our time, I acknowledge the anxiety and pain that so many are feeling at this time. At KTF, we are playing our role by pivoting our entire suite of development activities towards a COVID-19 response.
No individual organisation, Government, business or initiative has the ability to address the challenges created by this crisis alone. Our strength is in our partnerships and we will overcome this by working together in a Spirit of Mateship that has underpinned our organisation since its establishment.
We are all in this together, and we will get through this together.”
Dr Genevieve Nelson, CEO, KTF
An important COVID-19 message from KTF’s partners, friends and ambassadors.
Our strategy & priorities during COVID-19
To protect the lives and wellbeing of our staff, partners and the communities in which we work.
To provide our frontline health-workers with personal protective equipment, education and access to water, sanitation and hygiene solutions for their health facilities.
To provide evidence-based awareness to staff, partners and communities via education programs, the provision of awareness posters, and the utilisation of technology to reach rural and remote communities.
To support PNG Government efforts to control the spread of COVID-19, at national, provincial and local levels, including by working in partnership with Provincial Health Authorities and Provincial Education Departments.
To continue the delivery of our suite of programs in education, health, livelihoods and leadership where it is safe and possible to do so under COVID-19 social distancing, health and hygiene operating requirements.
Our response is driven by these core principles
Agility - we will remain agile with the ability to pivot all development projects in response to COVID-19, to move quickly and efficiently and to remain relevant.
Communications - we will keep all stakeholders regularly updated, including KTF Board, staff, partners, donors, beneficiaries, communities and the general public.
Best practice - we will implement evidence-based, best practice responses in all activities that we carry out throughout the COVID-19 crisis.
Shared learning - we will facilitate, participate in and contribute to shared learning activities throughout the COVID-19 crisis, including participation in PNG and Australian Government meetings, working closely with our peak body (ACFID), engaging regularly with partners and increasing engagement and support to our team.
Innovation - under these challenging problems, we will further develop within our team and partners a culture of innovation, creativity, resilience and commitment.
Our focus is mindful of these cross cutting issues
During humanitarian crises, the most vulnerable people in communities at are higher risk of discrimination, abuse and the perpetuation of poverty, violence and inequality. These people include women, children, older people, people with a disability, people from a minority racial, religious or cultural group, people living with HIV/AIDS, the LGBTIQ community, and people from a low socioeconomic background or people living in poverty. Gender based violence and sexual violence is common in humanitarian settings and may become more acute as a result of disaster, conflict or other crises and emergencies.
KTF is cognisant of these cross-cutting pressures in our response to the COVID-19 crisis. We recognise that COVID-19 and the resulting health and economic pressures will affect vulnerable groups more acutely. We will target our response to support these vulnerable groups with strategies to ensure universal access to education and awareness, access to health services, access to improved water, sanitation and hygiene resources, and ongoing support for vulnerable people affected by ongoing implications of the crisis at they unfold.
We work to ensure that COVID-19 does not deter access by marginalised peoples to fundamental human rights and does not further oppress marginalised and vulnerable groups.
Project Airborne is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), the Canadian Government through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), Newcrest Mining PNG, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation and the Australian public.
Examples of COVID-19 related activities delivered since March 2020
Supplies of WASH packs, awareness posters and PPE to our frontline health-workers across Oro and Central Provinces, KTF College staff in Kokoda, Balimo, Western Province and Hanuabada in NCD and KTF supported schools across Oro and Central Provinces, plus to all elementary schools across New Ireland Province.
Delivered additional quarterly supplies of drugs and medical resources to all of our aid posts and health centres across the Oro and Central Provinces.
Delivered daily bursts of messaging via text message, email and radio to all beneficiaries of KTF’s work to date including health workers, teachers, community leaders, women’s groups, provincial teacher trainers and key contacts right across PNG.
Pivoted KTF’s existing network of women’s groups to focus on face mask production and sale in four provinces - Central, Oro, Morobe and New Ireland. Designed a set of instructions for women’s groups to use in the design and production of their masks based on international guidelines endorsed by the WHO.
Temporarily closed all KTF-operated colleges and schools in adherence to PNG Government Policy under state of emergency. Re-opened KTF colleges with newly designed and implemented strict social distancing and WASH measures.
Delivered COVID-19 and hygiene awareness sessions to communities surrounding KTF’s colleges and aid posts/health centres.
Uploaded tablets with additional COVID-19 awareness information to be distributed to students across KTF’s FODE colleges.
Designed a ‘tippy tap’ hand-washing station maximising the use of local materials to build stations at KTF colleges, health centres and supported schools.
Using established KTF networks, disseminated a comprehensive COVID-19 awareness booklet and modules for use by a range of community members, including teachers, health care workers, leaders, women’s groups.
Overcame international border closures by redesigning the Archer Leaders Program to deliver a workshop-based immersion program in Port Moresby in lieu of an Australian Exchange visit.
Campaigned against Gender Based Violence to protect those most vulnerable during COVID-19 - women and girls. This segued into our new anti-violence project, Project Zero.
Reviewed our Healthy Communities project with a long-term view of COVID-19 implications and impacts.
Additional Resources
Click here to download KTF’s COVID-19 response strategy
Click here to download KTF’s COVID-19 Awareness Modules
Click here to download KTF’s Vaccine Facts flyers
Click here to download KTF’s Vaccine Information & Awareness Modules
Click here to access KTF’s newsfeeds on COVID-19 related statements
Click here to access KTF’s Zoom Backgrounds and help to promote KTF during this difficult time
Click here to make a donation to KTF’s COVID-19 relief efforts