Motu Koita FODE Centre strengthens partnership for 2023

Staff and students at the Motu Koita FODE Centre welcomed the news today of a strengthened partnership between KTF, the Motu Koita Assembly and Kina Bank for the ongoing operations of the FODE Centre in 2023. An annual cohort of 100+ students have pursued their second chance at education at the Motu Koita FODE Centre in Hanuabada since the partnership commenced in 2020.

Today, the partnership was officially renewed by Motu Koita Acting CEO Gaud Frank, representing, MKA Chairman, Hon, Dadi Toka OBE, who met with students who were preparing for their end of year national examinations, being held later this month.

“The partnership with KTF to establish the first MK FODE Centre at Hagara has given opportunities for many students in our villages a chance to improve academically. The operation of such education facilities requires funding and support to be successful. Thank you again to KTF and Kina Bank for the partnership to impact the lives of Motu Koita students," Chairman Toka said.

The Centre represents a partnership for a brighter future through investing in Motu Koita education. Operated by international development organisation, Kokoda Track Foundation (KTF), it is nationally recognised by the PNG National FODE office and is generously funded by Kina Bank.

Kina Bank’s CEO, Greg Pawson, met many of these students during the partnership visit, “Kina Bank is very happy to partner again with KTF and the Motu Koita Assembly. Our purpose is to constantly improve the prosperity of the people, communities and markets we serve. This partnership aligns to our purpose and delivers tangible outcomes that can only benefit the people of Papua New Guinea” said Mr Pawson.

Angaota Andy Boe is a grade 10 student at the MK FODE Centre, doing her full corresponding studies. After Angaota dropped out from the formal education system, she realised that life was hard and that completing her studies through FODE could help her find employment one day to earn a living. Angaota said, “KTF has given me a second chance in education and I thank KTF, MKA and Kina Bank for this great opportunity to do my studies. Education is the only key to escaping financial struggles in life, because when you get an education, you can be able to find employment and earn an income to support yourself and your family.”

KTF CEO, Dr Genevieve Nelson is extremely positive about the year ahead. “We are so thrilled about the renewal of the partnership with the Motu Koita Assembly and our generous donors, Kina Bank. With the recent restructure of the education system, the need for FODE places is extremely high. Teachers are being required to upgrade their Grade 12 qualifications and there are new minimum entry qualifications required to gain entry into Teachers Colleges as well as other tertiary pathways. We are proud to work with so many wonderfully committed people from the Motu Koita communities and give them a second chance at education.”

Grade 9 and 11 students will sit their examinations later this month and are currently preparing by sitting mock examinations at the FODE Centre.

Mike Nelson