A strong partnership for education outcomes in New Ireland

KTF is delighted to once again partner with the New Ireland Provincial Government and the Newcrest Sustainability Fund on a holistic, impactful education program for New Ireland Province in PNG. The primary objective of this project is to improve teachers’ knowledge and skills, support schools to introduce the early childhood layer of schooling, and provide enhanced opportunities for teachers to upgrade their qualifications and develop professionally. KTF is partnering with the New Ireland Provincial Government and the Newcrest Sustainability Fund to strengthen the education system throughout the province in order to improve teaching and ultimately student learning outcomes.

Under the new National Education Plan in PNG, all elementary teachers, and many vocational and primary teachers, need to upgrade their qualifications through FODE, in preparation for the restructured 3-6-6 education system. The project will benefit teachers right across New Ireland Province, commencing with Nimamar LLG and select schools across Namatanai District, offering holistic solutions and supporting teachers at various levels and stages in their careers. These efforts will trickle down and lead to positive effects on students’ learning outcomes, and ultimately improve quality of life over a greater period of time.

“We are extremely excited to be working together with the Provincial Government and Newcrest Sustainability Fund in New Ireland Province again this year” said Dr Genevieve Nelson, KTF’s CEO. “The restructure of the education system in PNG has enormous implications for elementary teachers, who are required to improve their Grade 12 qualifications via FODE and then retrain as early childhood educators. Our partnership, with the New Ireland Provincial Government and the Newcrest Sustainability Fund, is supporting a significant portion of New Ireland’s elementary teachers to make these transitions, keeping them qualified and on the government payroll, and supporting the introduction of the new layers of early childhood education.”

The project is also working with 15 elementary schools across Namatanai district, and supporting them to introduce early childhood education targeted at children aged 4 and 5 years old. Utilising play-based learning, the teachers will receive ECE training and support and KTF teams will build playgrounds and upgrade classrooms that are conducive to early years learning. A range of resources for the schools will be distributed including library and curriculum materials such as Bilum books, home grown books from PNG authors, and book packs targeted at early years learning and Grades 1-3.  

“The introduction of Early Childhood into schools is a critical and positive step” says KTF’s Head of Education, Martha Bentley. “We know from studies across the globe of the importance of early childhood education. What happens during the early years is of crucial importance for every child’s development. It forms the basis of intelligence, personality, social behaviour, and capacity to learn and nurture oneself as an adult.”

The three-year journey for teachers to upgrade their marks via KTF’s FODE program, undertake specialised training in ECE, and transition elementary schools to early childhood classrooms is being generously funded by the Newcrest Sustainability Fund – reaching communities across the remote Namatanai District.

Mike Nelson