Keeping communities healthy, whatever it takes

In the midst of a global pandemic where health facilities are stretched, it is easy for COVID-19 to draw the focus of activities, away from other critical elements of primary healthcare. In the remote Kokoda Track region of PNG, a group of dedicated Community Health Workers are committed to ensuring their communities stay safe and well from all health risks, including that posed by the virus.

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KTF 's footprint with Dr Gen and FM100's Douglas Dimagi

Ever wondered how we’ve evolved from working with communities in the Kokoda catchment to a footprint covering 17 provinces and counting? How we’re working with provincial education on early childhood education to teach the youngest of minds? Or how we’ve adapted our projects to COVID-19 and are constantly updating our response activities? Grab a cuppa and listen to a great conversation between our CEO Dr Genevieve Nelson and FM100 Talkback Show’s Douglas Dimagi.

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