Teach for Tomorrow, early years

In 2020, Papua New Guinea transitioned to a new ‘3-6-6’ model of education, which has revised the learning delivery framework for the earliest, formative years of schooling and development. As the new learning landscape takes root, the need is apparent for the development of a structured framework for Early Childhood Education. In an exciting development, the PNG Minister of Education has tasked development and delivery of this model to the exceptional educators at the provincial level to take into account their unique elements of their community, geography and resources to tailor a bespoke program grounded in best practice.

Teach for Tomorrow, the Early Years (T4TEY) works alongside provincial Departments of Education to develop an Early Childhood Education program framework and teacher upskilling program that delivers quality education to children in their developmentally vital early formative years. Together, in partnership with provincial departments of education, trainers, and our network of teachers across remote and rural PNG, we are working to introduce this critically important layer of education into PNG’s schooling system. Our focus is on areas that are remote and rural; and often excluded from educational support and strengthening opportunities.

T4TEY will develop and pilot a high-quality Early Childhood Education policy framework, in-service teacher ‘accreditation’ and ongoing professional development program. The project will enable Elementary Teachers to transition their skill set to deliver specialist, child-centred, age-appropriate learning to children aged from three to five years, introducing a new layer to the schooling system.


Project Roll-out

Each province will undertake a number of phases to develop their Early Childhood Education framework and professional development program, including:

  1. Workshop to develop the province’s vision and mission and outline for their ECE framework.

  2. Full development of the framework and accompanying curriculum and in-service teacher training solution.

  3. In-service teacher training program pilot delivered by teacher trainers.

  4. Pilot purpose-built ECE classrooms.

A provincial implementation plan can then be developed based on the outcomes of the pilots and provincial priorities.

Focus Regions

Working on a province-by-province basis, we will aim to implement the project initially in: Morobe, Western, Central, Gulf, New Ireland, Hela and Southern Highlands Province.

The project is fully scalable across all 22 provinces in Papua New Guinea and can be readily implemented in partnership with Provincial Departments of Education.

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Teach for Tomorrow, the Early Years is delivered in partnership with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) with the support of consortia of corporate partners in Australia and PNG, including Newcrest Mining, PNG Sustainable Development Program and Kumul Petroleum.

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