KTF is delighted to once again partner with the New Ireland Provincial Government and the Newcrest Sustainability Fund on a holistic, impactful education program for New Ireland Province in PNG. The primary objective of this project is to improve teachers’ knowledge and skills, support schools to introduce the early childhood layer of schooling, and provide enhanced opportunities for teachers to upgrade their qualifications and develop professionally. KTF is partnering with the New Ireland Provincial Government and the Newcrest Sustainability Fund to strengthen the education system throughout the province in order to improve teaching and ultimately student learning outcomes.
Read MoreToday, the Member for Hiri Koiari District, the Honourable Keith Iduhu, officially closed the end of the first academic year for the Mt Koiari FODE Centre in Manari village, operated by Australian development organisation KTF (Kokoda Track Foundation).
Read MoreStaff and students at the Motu Koita FODE Centre welcomed the news today of a strengthened partnership between KTF, the Motu Koita Assembly and Kina Bank for the ongoing operations of the FODE Centre in 2023. An annual cohort of 100+ students have pursued their second chance at education at the Motu Koita FODE Centre in Hanuabada since the partnership commenced in 2020.
Read MoreKTF’s Light for Learning project seeks to improve lives, livelihoods, safety and futures by providing students and communities with a reliable source of clean solar lighting and power. By providing communities and families with a renewable source of light, students can study into the night, increased safety in communities after dark; and there is a reduced need for harmful and expensive kerosene lamps or battery torches.
Read MoreOn Wednesday 12 October 2022, KTF’s CEO Dr Genevieve Nelson along with Communications & Projects Coordinator, Elizabeth Guka and Projects Coordinator, Peterson Mathias, spoke with Josephine Oberlauter from PNG’s NBC 90.7FM.
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